Thursday, July 16, 2020

Top 10 Jumpstart Historic Cards

Top 10 cards in Jumpstart for Historic

10 Grim Lavamancer
At one mana it’s so easy to fit it in to any turn and makes life hard for aggro. Playing a 1 mana creature than can attack also stops Teferi from completely dominating the early game with a single bounce on anything you might play turn 2 or 3.

9 Craterhoof Behemoth
A much better version of End-Raze Forunners, cheat this into play with Lukka in your tokens deck or spend all your Elf mana and instantly squash your opponent.

8 Young Pyromancer
Your UR spell decks will play 4, because if this thing lives it’s very difficult to lose the game with your infinite 1/1s. You can also wait until turn 3 to play it with a 1 mana spell. A one man army in a can.

7 Kor Spiritdancer
A fantastic addition to the GW auras deck, if it lives a turn it is very unlikely you will lose the game. 

6 Phyrexian Tower
Some incidental ramp and a sacrifice outlet for the Bx sac decks, this card makes it much easier to play Bolas’ Citadel and unlocks the turn 4 Citadel play without even needing to put green in your deck.

5 Tinybones, Trinket Thief
An entirely new effect for MTG, this turns your 1 for 1 discard spells into card advantage, and lets discard decks survive in a world of infinite 2 for 1s and Uros. The 6 mana effect puts the opponent between a rock and a hard place, not allowing them to blank your excess discard by emptying their hand. 

4 Blood Artist
Cruel Celebrant? Trash. Blood Artist? Amazing. It has no dual cost restriction and procs off any creature dying. This is a huge deal when you’re playing against aggro decks or other sacrifice decks. It blanks the opponent’s cat cycles and super charges yours. It is board wipe protection and makes Kroxa significantly more appealing to the sacrifice decks. It is also another damage source to combo off with Bolas’s Citadel.

3 Oracle of Mul Daya
This is the girl Azusa worries about you leaving her for. She should be, because this is everything she wishes she was. This card is the engine and the enabler in one, no muss no fuss. With 8 2-mana ramp spells now it’s ridiculously easy to play this on turn 3. With decks pushed to play 29 or 30 lands in the first place, playing an extra land every turn is entirely doable. If you’re really trying to abuse this card start your manabases with 4 Fabled Passage. 

2 Rishkar, Peema Renegade
This guy does a lot of damage or makes a lot of mana very fast. An amazing pickup for the GW counters deck, this is brutal the turn after a Conclave Mentor. He synergizes with Stonecoil Serpent in an amazing way by letting your other creatures make a huge Serpent or turns any in play into Llanowar Elves. The Great Henge and Rishkar also work together well if you’re playing a game in a stall where you keep chaining creatures off the top of your deck and create a gigantic board.

1 Explore
The original Growth Spiral, this will only make Field and ramp decks more consistent with 8 turn 2 ramp spells. The format will have to adjust accordingly to the ramp player always having 4 mana on turn 3. Not flashy, but format changing in a way that won’t be realized until you start losing to it a lot.

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