Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Three Broken Decks to Play this Weekend

I am having a love affair with Mox Amber (don’t tell my girlfriend). All mox get broken at some point and Amber isn’t the exception. These decks feel like the best thing you can be doing in historic consistently with varying degrees of speed and lots of resiliency. Each deck will have a Bo1 and Bo3 version except Song of Creation because Song is terrible after people board in things like Aether Gust and Mystical dispute.

Song of Creation 

This is the fastest of the three decks. Mulligan to Song of Creation, play it and win. My failure rate on drawing 0 mana cards is a little too high so I won’t be playing it this weekend but it you like this deck go for it. Replace the Explores for Omen of the Sea if you feel like you don’t need them, I like the additional speed it grants.

Combo Steps

1: play Song of Creation
2: Play your 0 mana artifacts
3: Play an untapped blue land
4: Play Emry
5: Use your Mox Ambers to make blue mana
6: Thassa’s Oracle after your deck is almost empty.


Careful not to draw so much you can’t play Thassa’s Oracle without drawing yourself to death. Depending on your Mox Amber mana you spare one Chromatic Sphere play and activation to keep the chain going.
Don’t be afraid to play your X mana creatures against aggressive decks! They help you live so you can combo and win.

Underworld Breach

This is the second fastest version of the deck. Fill your graveyard with Diligent Excavator and Emry, play Underworld Breach, win. Lurrus is another way to grab a key piece out of your graveyard and combo off. This deck can kill on turn 3 with the right draws and the right mills. Be careful not to lock yourself out of casting Breach because you have no red mana, the only red legendary in the deck is Saheeli. Chromatic Sphere is also a way to make red mana, I like to crack them at the last minute.

Combo Steps

1: Have Diligent Excavator in play
2: Play Mox Amber, it mills 2
3: Play Underworld Breach (or do this first to then play Excavator from the GY)
4: Tap the Amber to make mana, it’s fairly easy for this deck to have a Legend lingering in play
5: Use the blue mana to cast Thassa’s Oracle or Jace after you draw your deck.


Play your permanents! The more cards you have in play the easier it is to combo off. If they die you can recast them with Breach.
The best play this deck or any Excavator combo deck can make is T2 Excavator and a Mox Amber. The mill two is a nice start on filling the graveyard.
Teshar and Lurrus is bugged on Arena. Each Lurrus you bring back is supposed to let you play a new permanent from the graveyard but it doesn’t. This would mean with 2 Lurrus and 2 Ambers in the GY you could make infinite mana. Sadly, Arena won’t let us do that.


This is the most consistent yet slowest of the combo decks. You can get a turn 3 kill with Diligent Excavator into Kethis but it won’t happen too often. This is deck is very good at killing on turn 4 or 5 however and that’s what you should set up for. This deck has complicated ways to sneak out a win with the right mills and Lazav so get your reps in before the tournament.

Basic combo

1: Have Diligent Excavator in play.
2: Have Kethis in play
3: Play Mox Amber or have Amber in your graveyard
4: Use Kethis to play Ambers from the graveyard to mill yourself
5: Win with Jace or by milling the opponent
If you don’t have a blue legend or Sphere in play to make blue mana, make white with Kethis so you can play Teshar, then use Teshar to bring in Lazav or Emry.


Kethis is a slower but hardier version of the Breach deck and a lot of the previous advice applies here.
You have the ability to play a longer game of Magic then combo in the mid game if the need arises, so don’t be afraid to play your permanents.
Against Goblins speed is of the essence, so don’t play around anything game 1 because you’ll be too slow if you do.
Lazav can put Uro in the GY on turn 2 then copy it on turn 3, which is a good way to win quickly.
Against Reclamation plus your Teferi so it can’t get picked off by a weak Explosion or Shark Typhoon.

There’s a lot of different build variations on Breach and Kethis out there for you to explore, but as long as the core concept of 4 Mox, Emry, and Excavator is there you can tweak the deck to your liking. Good luck and get your reps in before the open!